Perhaps the perfect children's bedtime book, Goodnight Moon is a short poem of goodnight wishes from a young rabbit preparing for--or attempting to postpone--his own slumber. He says goodnight to every object in sight and within earshot, including the "quiet old lady whispering hush." Clement Hurd's illustrations are simple and effective, alternating between small ink drawings and wide, brightly colored views of the little rabbit's room.
Little blue and little yellow share wonderful adventures. One day, they can't find one another. When they finally meet, they are overjoyed. They hug until they become green. But where did little blue and little yellow go? Are they lost?
Nicholas Quinn is deaf, so he considers himself lucky to be appointed to the Foreign Examinations Board at Oxford, which designs tests for students of English around the world. But when someone slips cyanide into Nicholas's sherry, Inspector Morse has a multiple-choice murder. Any one of a tight little group of academics could have killed Quinn. Before Morse is done, all their dirty little secrets will be exposed. And a murderer will be cramming for his finals. . . .
Once Upon a Breath: The Story of a Wolf, 3 Pigs & Asthma.Once Upon a Breath: The Story of a Wolf, 3 Pigs & Asthma.
The thing any child remembers of the story of the three little pigs is the exchange...
This version of the story includes the charm the requisite three times, in spite of the fact that B.B. (for Big Bad) Wolf is not attempting to eat the piglets, but merely to educate them about the fact that their polluting life style is contributing to his asthma.
This package contains the interactive book and a game
My Little Island is a three-level program for teaching English to 3 to 5-year-old children whose first language is not English. Eight thematic units focus on presentation and practice of the new vocabulary and language structures. Vocabulary builds throughout the program, children listen to stories with target language; sing songs and say chants; play games, collaborate, and communicate with partners, in small groups, and with the whole class.