Phrasal verbs
PHRASAL VERBS HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE USE OF UP IN EACH? a) She walked up the street to get a bite to eat. b) I live up in Springfield. c) When are you going to clean up your room? d) I am sorry that I messed you up. ……… More info »
Tags: hellip, sorry, clean, messed, going, verbs, Phrasal |
To Hell and Back
Dante Valentine has been through Hell. Literally. Her body shattered and her mind not far behind, she's dumped back into her own world to survive--or not--as a pawn in one of Lucifer's endless games. Unfortunately, he's just messed with the wrong Necromance. And this time she's mad enough to do something about it. This time, the Devil will pay. |
Tags: wrong, messed, Unfortunately, games, Necromance |