Medieval Art: A Resource for Educators / Средневековое искусство: Пособие для преподавателей
Added by: nadella | Karma: 89.46 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 23 January 2009 |
 Пособие содержит краткий обзор истории и искусства эпохи, обсуждение различных аспектов жизни в Средневековье, включая рыцарство и монашество, а также информацию о необходимых материалах, методические указания, планы занятий, карты и библиографию. This resource presents medieval art in the Museum's collection from western Europe and Byzantium and provides strategies for teaching art of the Middle Ages. Among the contents are an overview of medieval times and art; a discussion of aspects of medieval life, including knighthood and monasticism; information on materials and techniques; lesson plans; a map; and a bibliography. Edited by: stovokor - 23 January 2009Reason: cover image uploaded to our server, please, do it yourself in the future!
Tags: medieval, art, Europe, Middle Ages, teaching, Byzantium, knighthood, monasticism, Пособие, указания, планы, методические, материалах, contents, overview, Among |