Thesis/Dissertation-Construction of an Adaptive E-learning Environment to Address Learning Styles and an Investigation of the Effect of Media Choice
Added by: faisal.elvas | Karma: 0 | Non-Fiction » Science literature » Linguistics | 25 September 2008 |
 This PhD by project was partially funded by a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service and a grant from the Telematics Course Development Fund Trust.
This study attempted to combine the benefits of multimedia learning, adaptive interfaces, and learning style theory by constructing a novel e-learning environment. The environment was designed to accommodate individual learning styles while students progressed through an introductory course on computer programming.
The accommodation of learning styles with different forms of instruction has been shown to improve learning gain and learner attitudes in several classroom-based studies. In a classroom environment, one instructor usually teaches many learners simultaneously and as such, individualised instruction can be tedious and time-consuming. In comparison, an e-learning environment can respond to every learner and his or her needs individually with a timely and precise adaptation of learning materials.
This work is dedicated to my family and friends.
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Tags: Roman, msostyleunhideno, msofareastfontfamilyTimes, fontfamilyTimes, Romanserif, learning, environment, styles, elearning, learner |