A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 5 July 2016
More than 70 years after the Nazi camps were liberated by the Allies, a new Canadian Holocaust memoir details the rural Hungarian deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau, back-breaking slave labour in Auschwitz I, the infamous “death march” in January 1945, the painful aftermath of liberation, a journey of physical and psychological healing.
Before a separate Department of Medical Humanities was formed, the editors of this volume were faculty members of the Department of Pediatrics at our medical school. Colleagues daily spoke of the moral and social problems of children's health care. Our offices were near the examining rooms where children had their bone-marrow procedures done. Since this is a painful test, we often heard them cry. The hospital floor where the sickest children stayed was also nearby.
The stories are: Death of an Old Man, An African story, A Piece of Cake, Madame Rosette, Katina, Yesterday was Beautiful, They Shall not Grow, Beware of the Dog, Only This, and Someone Like You. These ten stories by the greatest of story tellers were all written in the 40's, and out of the experiences that the man himself had. This is definitely NOT Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, but rather tales of the unexpected with WW2 aircraft and pilots. Roald was a pilot himself, and here the voice of painful experience comes through.
From Nicholas Sparks, America's favorite chronicler of love stories, comes the long-awaited follow-up to The Notebook - a story of an ordinary man who goes to extraordinary lengths to win back the love of his life.
After thirty years, Wilson Lewis is forced to face a painful truth. His wife, Jane, has fallen out of love with him, and it is entirely his fault...
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 29 August 2011
Oprah - A Biography
For the past twenty-five years, no one has been better at revealing secrets than Oprah Winfrey. On what is arguably the most influential show in television history, she has gotten her guests—often the biggest celebrities in the world—to bare their love lives, explore their painful pasts, admit their transgressions, reveal their pleasures, and explore their demons.