Insects and other arthropods found at a death scene can provide corroborating evidence regarding both the time and place of death as well as possible antimortem and postmortem treatment of the victim. Nevertheless, most forensic investigators are not specially trained in entomology, and until now, no entomology reference has fully explored these subjects.
Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook examines the flow of unauthorized immigration to the United States, largely since 1970, and the policy attempts to grapple with this vexing political issue.
Lexicography: An Introduction provides a detailed overview of the history, types and content of these essential reference works. Howard Jackson analyses a wide range of dictionaries, from those for native speakers to thematic dictionaries and learners’ dictionaries, including those on CD-ROM, to reveal the ways in which dictionaries fulfil their dual function of describing the vocabulary of English and providing a useful and accessible reference resource.
Reading level: Ages 9-12 To create the story of Thor and Loki’s journey to the land of giants, author Jeff Limke relied heavily on the classic book Bulfinch’s Mythology by American Thomas Bulfinch. This work drew its material from the Prose Edda, a compilation of Norse tales compiled by Icelandic poet and lawyer Snorri Sturluson. Artist Ron Randall consulted numerous reference books on the medieval Vikings as well as art from the ancient Norse period to bring to life the vivid images of this story.