Jokes, paradoxes, riddles, and the art of non-sequitur are revealed with great perception and insight in this illuminating account of the relationship between humor and mathematics.
Everything you need to know to shake off the disappointments of the past and find the lasting joy and happiness you desire with the power of feng shui! Fast Feng Shui for Singles provides a unique, holistic, and highly effective program to get you from being alone to being in love. Step-by-step guidelines show you how to use feng shui to heal old heartache and rediscover a sense of self; attract new opportunities and jump-start your social life; nurture a budding relationship; fan the flames of passion; and overcome barriers to intimacy, communication, and commitment.
Apes—to look at them is to see a mirror of ourselves. Our close genetic relatives fascinate and unnerve us with their similar behavior and social personality. Here, John Sorenson delves into our conflicted relationship to the great apes, which often reveals as much about us as humans as it does about the apes themselves.
Four years before Julius Caesar sailed to Rome to meet his untimely end, the great leader sought to conquer the outer reaches of the land, always questing for a kindred spirit to rival his own. What he finds, sitting on top of an ancient Egyptian Sphinx, is a young Queen Cleopatra, who beguiles him not only with her beauty, but because she may be the very match he's been seeking.
Nutrition and Disease Prevention (Healthy Eating, a Guide to Nutrition)
Nutrition and Disease Prevention delves into the complex relationship between nutrition and the prevention of disease. From classic deficiency diseases to problems of metabolism and nutrient absorption, and from severe malnutrition to obesity, nutritional status means the difference between health and sickness or even life and death. Today, researchers are defining the relationship between nutrients and the development of diseases in previously unsuspected ways—approaches that may lead to longer, healthier lives for all.