Ingles Sin Barreras(Full Pack of Books and Manuals)
Instead of memorizing boring verbal conjugations and grammar rules, Inglés sin Barreras gives you real-life situations, with words and phrases that can be used immediately.
English in Europe Today: Sociocultural and Educational Perspectives
This volume discusses several facets of English in today's multilingual Europe. It emphasizes the interdependence between cultures, languages and situations that influence its use. This interdependence is particularly relevant to European settings where English is being learned as a second language. Such learning situations constitute the core focus of the book. The volume is unique in bringing together empirical studies examining factors that promote the learning of English in Europe.
The first part of the book contains various types of grammar exercises: paraphrasing, multiple-choice technique, inserting the verb in the appropriate form, filling gaps, translation. Part two deals with reading texts with questions and situations to play, discussion topics and grammatical sets.
Understanding the Preschooler discusses some of the important aspects of social development in preschoolers as they go from the home environment into the school environment. Theoretical, observational, and anecdotal perspectives are integrated to offer connections between the youngsters' actions and reactions to different situations, as well as why and how they learn from these situations. The transition from home to preschool is not easy for them, but this book aids adults in understanding how youngsters make that transition. * This Book Is Dedicated To Nebo_Londona
The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel)
For the answers to many important questions, children should try this "story crammed with baffling word puzzles, a dozen zany characters, uproariously funny situations, and unmitigated slapstick."