 This volume, originally published in Russian, combines data from a wide range of languages, meticulously analyzed, with a sophisticated theoretical apparatus capable of isolating the most important syntactic and semantic parameters and of drawing those generalizations that are most significant from a cross-linguistic perspective. Many ideas which are at best only hinted at in earlier literature – such as the precise relation among resultative, perfect, and stative, or correlations between resultative and passive voice – are here for the first time stated precisely and given a firm foundation by means of detailed exemplification from a wide range of languages. |
Tags: resultative, range, languages, stative, correlations |
Stative Verbs Pack
Added by: borisvm | Karma: 492.67 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 25 September 2012 |
Stative Verbs Pack
Here's a compilation of videos and lists where stative verbs are explained in an easy way. Even native English speaker sometimes make mistakes related to this grammar topic. Don't miss it! |
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Tags: related, mistakes, sometimes, grammar, topic, Verbs, Stative, speaker |