The course for adults and young adults that develops language skills and sets students firmly on the road to exam success
The Teacher's Book provides full teaching notes, answers, tapescripts and additional photocopiable activities
Tags: adults , Teacher , tapescripts , answers , notes
New English File Culture Link
Added by: szpulka | Karma: 25.11 | Coursebooks , Audio | 29 June 2015
New English File Culture Link - answer key and tapescripts ONLY English level:
Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate
Donatella Fitzgerald and Rachel Harraway
Skills based - enables teachers to integrate language teaching with topics covering CLIL and Culture.
A perfect springboard for discussing current affairs enlivening your classroom.
Topics are an extension of the themes of each file of the course books.
Student's Book and audio CDs added Thanks to delfin
16 comments, 16965 views
Tags: Culture , English , affairs , enlivening , current , tapescripts , answer , classroom
Horizons is for secondary school students aged 14-19, and builds confidence in communication by providing clear structures and models.
- Multiple entry points cater for different teaching situations. - Optional Starter unit for real beginners (level 1) or mixed classes (all levels) to revise basics. - Grammar is presented in the context of dialogues, and practised systematically. - Optional lessons with extra language practice. Recorded dialogues from the Student's Book photostory, various listening texts.
19 comments, 9343 views
Tags: horizons 1 , horizons , class , audio , cd , oxford , radley , campbell , simons , tapescripts , , dialogues , Optional , Horizons , practised , systematically , Tests , lessons
Horizons 2 (Class Cassettes 1 & 2 + Tests)
Added by: danielgr | Karma: 106.35 | Coursebooks , Audio | 5 January 2014
Horizons 2: Class Audio Ripped from Cassettes
Horizons is for secondary school students aged 14-19, and builds confidence in communication by providing clear structures and models.
- Recorded dialogues from the Student's Book photostory - Various listening texts
16 comments, 8502 views
Tags: horizons 2 , horizons , audio , cd , cassette , tapescripts , oxford , radley , campbell , simons , Class , dialogues , Recorded , structures , Students , photostory , Various , Horizons , Cassettes , Student
Mock Matura Exam in English - November 2012
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Exam Materials » Matura Exam | 25 November 2012
Mock Matura Exam in English - November 2012
An exam simulation covering all matura tasks. Features both basic and extended versions. The set contains full examination papers, keys, tapescripts and audio.
Tags: tapescripts , papers , examination , audio , Matura , November , English , contains