 Whether it invokes hard work or merely a hen-house, a good simile is like a good picture—it's worth a thousand words. Packed with more than 16,000 imaginative, colorful phrases—from “abandoned as a used Kleenex” to “quiet as an eel swimming in oil”—the Similes Dictionary will help any politician, writer, or lover of language find just the right saying, be it original or banal, verbose or succinct. Your thoughts will never be "as tedious as a twice-told tale" or "dry as the Congressional Record." Choose from elegant turns of phrases “as useful as a Swiss army knife” and “varied as expressions of the human face”. |
Tags: Similes, phrases, Dictionary, never, tedious |
Make Death Love Me
Ruth Rendell - Make Death Love Me
A Ruth Rendell mystery, first published in 1979. Alan Groombridge is married to a woman he doesn't like, is a bank manager of a tiny branch, and is doomed to a life of boredom and tedious routine. All that saves him is a fantasy of stealing enough of the bank's money for just one year of freedom.
Tags: Death, Rendell, saves, routine, tedious, fantasy |