Student´s Books and the Workbooks, photocopiable assessment tests and the tapescripts of the listening exercises in the Student´s Books.
A Grammar Book accompanies each course, giving students clear explanations and enabling them to practise the grammar structures presented in the coursebook.
The Audio CDs contain recordings of all the main reading texts and the texts for the listening exercises.
The Student´s Audio CDs contain recordings of all the main reading texts and stories.
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Money: Saving and Investing (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
This is an undergraduate textbook on the basic aspects of personal savings and investing with a balanced mix of mathematical rigor and economic intuition. It uses routine financial calculations as the motivation and basis for tools of elementary real analysis rather than taking the latter as given. Proofs using induction, recurrence relations and proofs by contradiction are covered.
This book explores literary texts of the Roman empire to offer a depiction of actual events and the ways in which these texts were created, disseminated and read.
National Romanticism: Formation of National Movements
The present volume is the second one of the series entitled Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770–1945): Texts and Commentaries.
Ancient Literary Criticism: The Principal Texts in New Translations
Ancient literary criticism has always been a particularly inaccessible subject for the non-specialist student. This edition provides for the first time the principal texts in translation, giving the reader a full view of ancient literary criticism and its development.