Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, refereed publication for all those who teach and support learning in Higher Education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal has an objective of improving the status of teaching and learning support as professional activity and embraces academic practice across all curriculum areas in higher education.
Six ten minute laughter breaks to get you through the week. Just because your kids drive you insane doesn't make you a bad parent . A book to get you through the day on those crazy mad days.
Webster's Dictionary of English Usage is a work of unparalleled authority and scholarship from Merriam-Webster, America's leading dictionary publisher for almost 150 years. Our editors have long been documenting the use of those words that pose special problems of confused or disputed usage.
Perhaps the "obscurity" issues of medical psychiatry, psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, and self-object psychology grew out of the "darkened views" of a cloistered cellular priesthood and its overcontrol and domination of human psyhcosocial and sexual activities. Human sexuality was not exactly the strongest domain for those who lived secluded in denial; yet, as Dr. Inman thought, parochial symbolism was only a more glorified and disguised sexuality in religious issues and rituals...and so it is the world over in differing ways. To say that Western Civilization is or has been inhibited with regards to missionary human sexuality...would be an understatement.
Summarizes the views of Jung and Freud on transference and countertransference, as well as those of Martin Buber on I-it and I-thou relationships. Special attention to the significance of erotic love in therapy and analysis.
Archimedes, the fowlish innovator of all things fantastical, is fresh from an uncomfortable situation with Thomas Edison when he stumbles upon a case of blossoming love ... between an automaton and a barmaid. Despite his best intentions (and those of Finley the telekinetic fish), Archimedes finds that wooing a young lady is not as easy as the how-to pamphlet would have you believe.