Britain in the 1980s was a polarized nation. With the two main political parties as far apart as at any time since the 1930s, the period was riven by violent confrontation, beginning with the explosion of rioting that rocked England's cities in 1981 and again in 1985; a year-long fight with the National Union of Mineworkers, and then with print workers in Wapping. There was the war to retake the Falkland Islands and the re-escalation of the troubles in Northern Ireland, which began with hunger strikes and peaked with the attempt to assassinate the entire Cabinet in the Brighton bombing.
Audio programme for the German-based "English G" series of English books, upper intermediate to advanced level. It includes recordings of texts (T), songs (SONG) and poetry (POEM), also "Focus on Grammar" (FoG) and "Listening comprehension" (LC) exercises. The topics contained herein cover Great Britain as a country of multiculturalism, Ireland and the Troubles, Australia, variations of English worldwide, British humour, entertaining stories and plays, and everyday language useful when travelling to an English-speaking country. Published in 1990.
'Are you happy? If not, consult Mr. Parker Pyne, 17 Richmond Street.' Just a simple advertisement in the personals column that directs people to Parker Pyne's office. Those that answer the ad are greeted by the efficient Miss Lemon (later to become Poirot's secretary), led into Mr. Pyne's office and then reveal their troubles - boredom, spousal infidelities, theft or just general discontent for Mr. Pyne and staff to sort out.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 10 October 2011
The Land of Mango Sunsets
Her sleazy husband left her for a lingerie model who's barely more than a teenager, and her kids are busy with their own lives. But before Miriam Elizabeth Swanson can work herself up into a true snit about it all, her newest tenant, Liz, arrives from Birmingham with plenty of troubles of her own. And then Miriam meets a man named Harrison, who makes her laugh, makes her cry, and makes her feel like a brand-new woman.