Three single girls shared the same London flat. The first worked as a secretary; the second was an artist; the third who came to Poirot for help, disappeared convinced she was a murderer.
Now there were rumours of revolvers, flick-knives and blood stains. But, without hard evidence, it would take all Poirot's tenacity to establish whether the third girl was guilty, innocent or insane…
Eighteen unabridged Poirot short stories - each a classic of characterization, perplexing puzzle, and suspense. This audiobook includes all of the stories contained in the book. "The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly," "The Adventure of the Clapham Cook," "The Affair of the Victory Ball," "The Chocolate Box," "The Cornish Mystery," "The Double Clue," "Double Sin," "How Does Your Garden Grow?," "The King of Clubs," "The Lemesurier Inheritance," "Lost Mine," "Market Basing Mystery," "The Plymouth Express," "Problem at Sea," "The Submarine Plans," "The Third-Floor Flat," "The Veiled Lady," and "Wasps' Nest."
A scientific expedition sets out to explore a plateau in South America that remains frozen in time from the days when prehistoric creatures roamed the Earth. This classic tale still excites the reader today just as dinosaurs continue to grip the popular imagination.
Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill (Unabridged Audiobook)
What is the one thing everyone wants? Happiness. But where do we find it? French Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard has been working with scientists and Buddhist scholars to explore the effects of meditation on the brain and its correlation with happiness. What he discovered: Happiness is not something you seek, but rather it is a skill you develop. On Happiness, the former cellular biologist merges the newest scientific research with traditional Buddhist teachings and contemporary Western philosophy to show you the keys to realizing the experience of happiness. Join Ricard on this audio adaptation of his book of the same title to learn more about:
"The Sea Wolf" is a fascinating story of the gentleman Humphrey van Weyden, who got shipwrecked and gets picked up by the sealing-schooner "Ghost". Here he is confronted with the sadistic philosophy and violent action of the highly intelligent Wolf Larson. "The Sea Wolf" is one of the most impressive documents of American naturalism, and probably the most famous adventure-story in the world.